"To me the very essence of education is concentration of mind, not the collecting of facts. If I had to do my education over again, and had any voice in the matter, I would not study facts at all. I would develop the power of concentration and detachment and then with a perfect instrument I could collect facts at will. Side by side, in the child, should be developed the power of concentration and detachment."
-Swami Vivekananda, CW, 6.38
Our School
“Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.” – the search for this inner perfection has always been the guiding force behind the learned and revered Sannyasins of Ramakrishna Mission to establish schools in various parts of Bengal to materialize Swami Vivekananda’s Concept of Man making and Character building education. It was this visionary zeal on the part of the revered monks of the Belur Math and the enthusiasm and co-operation of people of Malda that led to the foundation of a Ramakrishna Mission School in such an educationally backward district like Malda. Thus it was the auspicious arrival of Swami Parashibanandaji Maharaj at Malda which marked the establishment of today’s renowned Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Vidyamandir, a pioneer institution of North Bengal today.
Photo Galleries
Foundation Day
Youth Day 2017
Annual Sports 2017
Republic Day 2017
Saraswati Puja 2017
Annual Program 2017